God created the world to be the perfect place for humans to live in loving fellowship with Him and true community with one another. However, we rebelled against God and all of creation fell into sin and brokenness. The Gospel is the work of God, by His grace, saving His people from their rebellion against Him and the brokenness of the world and restoring them to a true community of loving fellowship with Him and one another. Our worship of God is our grateful response to His gracious, saving work in the Gospel.
Through prayerful submission to the LORD's specific calling for True Community Fellowship, we endeavor to plant a church of the Presbyterian Church in America serving the communities in and around Kirksville, MO. We commit ourselves to this work through faith in Christ and humble reliance on the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the glory and honor of the LORD our God.
True Community Fellowship is a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America serving Kirksville, MO and its surrounding communities.
The Westminster Standards comprised of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter catechisms, though not inerrant nor infallible, are the purest human summary of Biblical truth. For a more comprehensive understanding of the Biblical truth that we believe, read the Westminster Standards.