The LORD's Calling for True Community Fellowship
Through prayerful submission to the LORD's specific calling for True Community Fellowship, we endeavor to plant a church of the Presbyterian Church in America serving the communities in and around Kirksville, MO. We commit ourselves to this work through faith in Christ and humble reliance on the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the glory and honor of the LORD our God.
Our Vision
True Community Fellowship desires to see Kirksville transformed by the Gospel into a true community of worshipers of the LORD wherein God's people, from all denominations, are united in loving fellowship with Christ and one another.
Our Mission
By God's grace and for His glory, True Community Fellowship exists to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, plant a vibrant worshiping congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, and engage the people in Kirksville and its surrounding communities in glorifying the LORD and expanding His kingdom.
Our Core Values & Distinctives
- Word & Sacraments: Proclaiming the full counsel of God through:
- Faithful preaching and teaching of God's Holy Word as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and applied to everyday life;
- Proper instruction in, and administration of, Baptism and the Lord's Supper as the sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ to signify and strengthen His Church.
- Worship & Life: Glorifying the LORD our God through:
- Christ Centered corporate worship where God's people gather to magnify the Triune God in gratitude for who He is and what He has done;
- Faithfulness to the call of Christ to offer our lives as a living sacrifice of worship to the LORD through the work of the Holy Spirit so that our lives reflect God's glory in His creation.
- Missions & Outreach: Seeking the growth of the kingdom of God by:
- Boldly and graciously calling people of the communities in and around Kirksville to true faith and true community in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, King and Head of His Church;
- Prayerful and financial support of local, national, and global missions.
- Love & Fellowship: Caring for one another and our neighbors by:
- Building up one another in faith and encouraging one another to obedience to Christ through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit;
- Lovingly sharing the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ and our neighbors in need.
- Stewardship & Integrity: Exercising biblical stewardship of God's resources through:
- Prayerful & strategic investment of financial and other resources entrusted to us by the LORD in ministries that serve the specific calling of True Community Fellowship and needs of our community;
- Grateful submission to financial accountability and oversight by the Presbyterian Church in America to ensure integrity in all we do.
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