Home: Information: Worship

What is Worship?

Everyone has a hunger for worship—and everybody worships something, whether it's God, or their job, or their family, or their possessions. At Grace Church we believe that it is only in worshipping God through the person of Jesus Christ that we find the answer to the deepest questions and longings of our souls.

Grace's Worship Values and Style

Worship is one of the most fundamental things we do as people. And as the Church, this is particularly true. I mean, what are we as Christians, if we aren't, first and foremost, people who are worshipping God together through the person of Jesus Christ? It is our hope that you will find Grace Church to be a community of people who love to worship God together””and in order to help you join in that worship, we think it is helpful to share with you some of the values that shape how we approach this most central part of our life together as Christians. Grace Presbyterian Church is committed to a “blended” or “integrated” style of worship. What is that, you ask? A good question! By “blended” worship style, we mean that Grace Church seeks to incorporate gospel-driven, Christ-centered music from a variety of styles and generations. New, old, traditional, classical, folk, contemporary. Whatever words or categories you might use — we believe that any and all of these can be used (maybe even in the same worship service) in a God-honoring way to worship our Creator and Redeemer.